Friday, August 3, 2007

The Troy Fair

ThisWarmHouse was at the Troy Fair in Troy PA the week before last. It was an exiting event for us all, as it was the first time we have ever done a show with a Greenwood Furnace actually running. We used our display unit from our office in Mansfield, shed and all and ran it, smoke free, throughout the entire five day event. Here is the rather creative system by which our Amish built shed and Greenwood 100 traveled from Mansfield to Troy for the event:

All this next week ThisWarmHouse will be at Empire Farm Days, the primary Ag Show of New York State. We will have a unit running there as well.

- drew

Thursday, July 19, 2007

ThisWarmHouse Blog


This blog is something I've thought we should do for some time so when Mark mentioned it to me this afternoon I was very exited and decided to start it right away. We look forward hopefully sharing a lot of content in the way of photos and other media with you and having a place to talk about our latest goings-on and events and easily interact with dealers, customers and any passers-by in the blogsphere who might be interested in what we're doing.

Feel completely free to leave a comment at any time (just click on the link below and be sure to mention your name)

We'll hopefully have some more updates here very soon and with all of the shows in the coming weeks (not to mention the usual frenzy that tends to develop as the heating season nears) there should be plenty to talk about!

- drew


Welcome the our new blog!